Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's about time I found some new horsey quotes!

Motivation has been a bit hard to come by lately. There's been a lot going on, but now I've got a bit of time so I'm going to seek out new inspiring things to help get me back on track!

First off, I love this beautiful artwork. I can't post the picture here because of copyright, etc, but I urge you to check it out!! It's beautifully painted, and just plain magical in a way that so many images that are supposed to celebrate the majesty of horses just aren't...

I wish I could buy it and hang it on my wall! But for now I have to be content with gazing at it on RedBubble. And dream of a day when I may create something like that...

Quotes are another way to kick start my brain in an easy bite-sized chunk! (Fun size?)

I've been collecting them on this little site here. I desperately need to add new ones, but it's great to read over the ones I've already collected.